Friday, September 30, 2011

Torino Italy 21/09/2011: The intense political, and culinary debates over a simple dinner

Italians love their food, which is great because I love food too! Dinner is quite the facinating past time because it's a relaxing time to have really intense discussions and debates. The conversation table is open to anything, and at the end, there's no hard feelings. Dinner tonight was with our two main professors at the Politecnico and their three main administrators.
For the appetizer, this was called Ligurian Farinata. It's a chick pea pancake, that's very crunchy and full of flavour. I personally thought it was really good, but Dr. Genta said that this was ok, the best stuf is from a region near Genova, along the sea side where he's from. He said that it's the best there. I can't imagine how much better it is because this was already really good. I already feel like my taste buds are going to get trained.
Here's a pizza that Tyler and I shared.

Here's the Quail Risotto that I ordered. It was delicious, nice and creamy. It's yellow because they added an egg yolk to it.
Here are the Professors!
And here are the administrators.
Of course here's the kitchen.
This was the Tiramisu, I'm excited because one of the administrators gave me their recipe for tiramisu, which I am itching to try. I just need to buy a large bowl and a whisk. The debate here was really funny because there was an intense discussion of which savoiardi (the cookies, apparently they're not ladies fingers, not sure because I haven't figured out what they are yet). And also which type of rum to use.
Here's the whole group picture!
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  1. so, are any of the others here part of your UWO crew?

  2. Well everyone is here except for Simon, who was off to another country at the time!
