Tuesday, September 20, 2011

England day 02: A Marathon of a walk

Ok, so this was the second day in London. And I just walked everywhere. I was originally going to take a subway, but a kind man whom I befriended whilst looking at my map told me to just walk around to see the most out of London. By Jove, he was right! There were tonnes to see, and things I would have not found if I just took the subway. Tho, at the end of the day, I was shattered and I was tired. Tho, it was well worth it.

Here's a sight for a church that was destroyed by the german bombings in WWII. Quite a site and the walls was just a stark memorial of what has happened over the years.

This is the main courthouse in London.
The statue of the Queen (I believe it's Victoria). I took it because the ball she's holding in her left hand reminded me of the holy hand grenade.

And here's St. Paul's Cathedral. It's huge and spans at least two city blocks! It costs 16 pounds to go in, so I just skipped that.
Here is The Monument (that's the name). It's a remembrance of the great London Fire of 1666. The hight of the monument is about 62 meters and it's the talles free standing stone structure in the world. It's also hollow with stairs!!!

Here's the stairs to climb up, all 313 of them (I got a certificate in the end after completing the climb!)

And here's the top! To be honest I was quite terrified to be up there! The final gusts of Hurricane Irene were passing through (strongest winds of the year!) and I was literally getting pushed about. Even with the cage there, it's really unerving when I'm pearing over only go get blown into the cage. I also enjoyed being up there as I was the only one for a good 15 minutes.

After The Monument, I made my way across the London Bridge!

Across on the East side of London was this destoyer. You could go in, but I wanted to cover more of the city.

Here's a picture of a cafe I ate at. I had a chickpea soup. Along with Darjeeling tea and a scone, at noon. I got some funny looks when I ordered that because it wasn't teatime yet.
Here's a picture of Tower Bridge on my way back across the Thames River.
 Here's the Tower of London. This was the old center and residence of King George! (don't remember which one), and they moved out of here into Buckingham palace.

This is the original retaining wall, it's a few centuries old (possibly like 5), and it was used to keep out the Baddies. After this, I took a subway to the science museum!

This is the original Apollo 10 command module, the one that went up to space and back! It was really an awesome moment. Honestly, this was the only thing I found interesting in the science museum. So I went to the museum of natural history next!

What I uncovered there was dinosaur bones! Lots of them! It was amazing! This was a Brontasaurus.


And the Mighty T-REX!!

There are a few more shot left in the day! Stay tuned for the next post!


  1. aww fun
    so the 313 stair climb...
    was there a lift? (elevator)

    and did you take the stairs down? :D
