Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Italy 01 18-09-2011: Italy-Ian!

Alright, since I will be snapping pictures like crazy, my organization vs when I'll be posting will be all over the place! I'll also be in Italy for a year, so I have to adapt.
Here's the london station, from which I departed for France. Bye bye London! You really were a gem!
Here's the TGV that I took from Paris to Torino. A really quick 100 MPH+ train. There aren't any pics when I was on board because I was simply mesmerized by the view that was whipping by as I was on the train, and shots went by too quick. It was simply beautiful.
As soon as I arrived in Torino/Turin (Turin is the english version of the real Italian word for the city of Torino). I arrived at around 9 pm, thus everything was taken at night. The scenery along the river was awesome. I have yet to find out what building this was, but it's on a hill.
This is the bridge connecting the east and west sides of Torino.
Here's an old rebuild castle that's used primarily for tourism.
This was a waterfall that I saw, and there's some sort of room behind it. I still don't know what's behind it.
This is same waterfall above, and it's part of a large central square.
Here's the final picture of the night, this is a snap of the gas stations that are along the road side. You just pull into them as you drive, then merge back into traffic when you're done!
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  1. the gas stations seem neat... but i have a mild worry of them being easier to hit by wayward drivers... and then explosions? maybe i watch too much tv...

    beautiful night shots!
    were you by yourself???

  2. ahahaha i just realized that "Italy-Ian" and "Italian" sound the same bwahahahahah
    <3 good cheese *thumbs up*!

  3. Haha, well, it was supposed to be a bit subtle.
