Sunday, September 25, 2011

England Day 03: FOOOOOOOD!

Okay after walking around, I was famished and we wanted to eat a bit on a budget. Thusly this post is all about food. Food was found at this new shopping center.
Here was Cured herring. And quite frankly, I couldn't stand it. It was waaaay too salty for me.
Here was where I bought that fish. They had other stuff that was probably tastier.
We did find this sushi place, yes its bulk but I was hungry, so I didn't care at this point.
Look at all the sushi!
We got some chirashi. AAAAND some very lovely desserts!
This was mine, Green tea Praline Mousse. It was very light and fluffy and delicious.
The green tea cheese cake was good, with some red bean...but Shelby's is better (I miss it!)
Here's the mousse! Mmmmmm, so delicious.
Oh yeh, this was a nice cake. Green tea and red bean.

 This was a "melon pan" that I bought too. It did taste good with a good crust on the top, however, as I kept on eating...
surprise! red bean on the inside!! It really made the bun amazing!
This was less than 2% milk and it was very rich and smooth.
Some good ol' ginger beer! It's not a strong as the stuff that I can find in the Superstore back home, but it was cloudy from all the ginger used.
Mmmmm Marmite Cashews. These were delicious!
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  1. marmite flavoured/coated cashews?!?! gross.

    I love that there was a store called "noshers"!

    yummm on green tea desserts
    ew on salted cod. that just sounds... ew. :D

    glad your stomache had fun!

  2. Haha, I figured that you wouldn't have liked those cashews. I guess if I ever want to keep food from you I would coat it in marmite! :P

    The salted cod was probably the worst food experience thus far, I had to eat half a loaf of bread to make it easier to eat.

    At the end of the day my stomach had a bit of a roller coaster ride.
