Monday, September 26, 2011

England Day 04: The countryside!

So after Windsor Castle we headed off to go to Stone Henge! This is great because we get to see the England countryside. There's not much to say about the country side, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

OH! What do I spy!?
Oh, it's a Aston Martin DB5!
Actally not, this was what I spotted! It's an old Ferrari! I have no clue what it is, but it's was at a race track and it sounded glorious.
I am not sure what this was, but it was really imposing.
A Rolles Royce Convertable! Classic of course.
Here's the last classic car wer saw, which is a Morgan! Soo sweet. This car even has luggage on the back!
 Here's the luggage!
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  1. i know you've got cars, and roads and everything
    but what i was really interested in???
    the sheep!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

    did you pack one in your luggage perhaps???

  2. Haha, I took the sheep pictures because I figured you'd like them :P
