Wednesday, September 14, 2011

England Day 01: Gatwick Airport to the Degun's

I'm just waiting in the airport for my ride and there was this coffee shop in the main terminal for international arrivals called Costa (as seen on the cup). I really like the coffee bean picture on the top, it's a small but very nice touch. Wish coffee shops in Canada did some more detailed work like that!
Now exiting the airport...
 And right into a gas station. The car i'm sitting in is a Audi A8 Diesel, it's stonkingly quick! But it sound great, it actually doesnt really sound like a diesel at all!

Here's the original mini cooper, but this one's been stripped out and ready for some of the small class races that they enjoy around here.
After a nice shower it's Dominos! Haha, I would never have guessed.
Since the Brits here are serious about their food, it's gourmet no less. The flavour was BBQ, but it was too sweet for my tastes.
Here's one of the resident parrots. His name is Bubbles, and he's an african Grey Parrot. He's the naughty one, always flittering about and making the most noise.

And this is Dee Dee, he's got that scarf on to protect it while he's healing from an infection.
Here's the both of them in the living room. They're really loud and rowdy once they're used to you. And they crap a lot. I tried taking a picture up close but they would run away and deficate......not fun cleaning that up. So all the pictures you see of them are taken with zoom from half way across the room. Lol.

Stay tuned for lots more pics to come!!!


  1. now that I can see the pics....
    that wallpaper is CRAZY!
    and i'm not so sure about a parrot wearing a scarf...
