Friday, October 28, 2011

Torino Italy 29/09/2011: The CENTRAL market!

So here we are at the central market, you can see Jeff walking in front of the fresh pasta stall.
The next stall is the wine stall, the below picture will show you how cheap they are.
3 bottles for only 5 Euros! Now the really crazy thing is that cheapest wine I've bought thus far (a white wine that cost 2 Euros) was much better tasting than the $10 ones found in Canada! Crazy!
More wine! We're getting to the good stuff now! Only 6.95 Euros!
Here's the clothing section of the market, you can find a lot of cheap clothing here. However, I did hear that they sell used clothing too, just be weary.
I'm not sure what church this was, but it was in the central square.
Just some shots of the side streets.
Here's another market a few blocks down from the main one. The big thing about this one is that it's all organic food.
Another Church. All those statues are tributes to saints.
Some closeup of the saints.
Here's a walk along the parkade street. It's the same on both sides of the street and it's full of shops that you can check out.
A random street corner.
This was the market outside my dorm. Instead of selling veggies and fruits, it's now turned into collectors records, CD's and posters.

Another shot of the huge quantity of stuff.

I dropped by the bakery to pick up a nice huge meringue.
A Lizard! These are pretty common here, and you'll find them where you find shrubbery.
This is the shot of the residence from the center courtyard. What you are looking at now is the central stairwell. If you look closely at the "tiled" windows, those are actually solar panels.
This is the other meringue that I bought. It was smaller, but the chocolate added some depth to it.
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1 comment:

  1. lizard!!!!!!!!!!!
    i like the lanterns that hang about the organic market!

    also.. i think you mean be "wary" not "weary"... :) unless you're tired of good deals and used clothing!
